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The Complete Fractions Playbook - Part 1 {Hard Copy}

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Paperback Printed Version

Paperback Printed Version

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to You

Follows NCTM<br>& Common Core

Follows NCTM
& Common Core

*** hard copy version ***

Is this right for my child?

This book is perfect for anyone that can write and identify fractions and has mastered the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

  • Follows NCTM & Common Core 4th grade standards

What does the book cover?

  • Review introduction to fractions and basic operations
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions with/without a common denominator
  • Add and subtract fractions with/without a common denominator
  • Mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • Multiply fractions by whole numbers
  • Convert fractions into decimals


  • Over 120 pages of fractions-based activities are embedded into mazes, dot-to-dot, spot-the-difference, color-by-number, hidden items, secret messages, and much more.
  • Easy learning with extra-detailed self-learning teaching pages.
  • STEAM Focused: Role models from history, science, business, technology, music, literature, and art.
  • Bonus content: Fun facts, trivia, and inspirational posters to help foster a growth mindset.
  • Brain breaks: We’ve included some math-free pages to enjoy.

Meet the Megageex

All of our activities are inspired by the lives of our Megageex characters, important figures from history that have helped to shape our world.

Discover fun facts and trivia about these characters and their chosen fields throughout the book as you complete the puzzles.

Who will they meet along the way? Nikola Tesla, Rosalind Franklin, Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, The Wright Brothers, Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Madam C. J. Walker, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jane Austen, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, Ada Lovelace, Mark Twain, Alan Turing, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Helen Keller, Marco Polo, Frida Kahlo, Rachel Carson, Michelangelo, Henry Ford, Niels Bohr, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Alexander Fleming, Michael Faraday, and George Washington Carver.

Screen-Free Activities

Your child will be doing math and learning valuable history and science with Physicists, Scientists, Authors, Artists, Sculptors, Environmentalists, Entrepreneurs and more!  

100% Happiness Guaranteed

We design every product to the highest quality standard to inspire the minds of children. If your kid is not happy with our products, please let us know and we’ll make it right.

So What Are You Waiting for? 

Grab your pencil, crayons, scissors, and glue. Let’s go on this fun-filled mathematical journey!


These books are intended for non-commercial use only. They may not be copied, resold or bundled without prior permission. For a professional license, please reach out to


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